Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sticky Fingers

According to the Food Marketing Insitute, the 10 most frequently shoplifted items are:

1. Advil Tablets (50 count)
2. Advil Tablets (100 count)
3. Aleve Tablets (100 count)
4. E-P-T Pregnancy Test (single)
5. Gillette Sensor (10 count)
6. Kodak 200 Film (24 exposures)
7. Similac Infant Formula w/Iron (case)
8. Similac Infant Formula w/Iron (1 can)
9. Preperation H Suppositories (12 count)
10. Primatene Tablets (12 count)

Pocket-sized, pricey, and good resale value makes these items hot.

Did You Know?
The Italian farmer's association claims that seven out of ten Italian products in the United States are not the real deal. -Chow Magazine