Fresh Out of the Oven
I found myself dreaming of cupcakes today.

(Photo Credit)
Magnolia Bakery, 401 Bleecker St, NY -
Sells 3,000 cupcakes a day at $1.50 each!
Check out these lovelies:
Cupcake Takes the Cake on Flickr.
Cute blog with fun ideas:
All Cupcakes, All the Time
I baked these last October. Don't worry, they're long gone.

The tastiest I've found in Portland so far has been over on Mississippi Ave. at Blue Gardenia. A wonderful handcrafted bakery and they roast their own coffee - mmn.
Looking forward to trying Saint Cupcake out in NW.
Now that's what I'm talkin' about.

(Photo Credit)
Magnolia Bakery, 401 Bleecker St, NY -
Sells 3,000 cupcakes a day at $1.50 each!
Check out these lovelies:
Cupcake Takes the Cake on Flickr.
Cute blog with fun ideas:
All Cupcakes, All the Time
I baked these last October. Don't worry, they're long gone.

The tastiest I've found in Portland so far has been over on Mississippi Ave. at Blue Gardenia. A wonderful handcrafted bakery and they roast their own coffee - mmn.
Looking forward to trying Saint Cupcake out in NW.
Now that's what I'm talkin' about.
Labels: Food
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