Friday, February 17, 2006

Visual Proof's Forensic View Upon the Body

Currently I'm on contract at Second Story Interactive here in Portland, Oregon. Last week the studio launched a new site and exhibit for the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland.

I worked with Designer JD Hooge and Programmer David Brewer on the images and asset production for the web site, and the art to flash for the Interactive Autopsy exhibit, along with some of the print portion of the autopsy slab under the direction of Second Story's Creative Director, Brad Johnson.

Check it out:
Visual Proof's Forensic View Upon the Body

Washington Post's review of the Exhibit.

Second Story also was recently recognized by HOW Design for outstanding consumer web site, Monticello Explorer, along with a Merit Award for AIGA Design Archives.

AIGA Design Archives is also a finalist in the art category for SXSW's 2006 Web Award's.

This week Second Story moves in to their brand new studio in Portland's historic Mississppi District: Wunderkammer!

More to come...
