Monday, August 13, 2007

The Phenonema Menomena

Menomena's third studio album Friend or Foe is bizarre, fractured, and totally addictive. If you haven't heard of Menomena, go out and buy their music. The print materials that accompany the CD are hand assembled, its as intriguing as the music itself—the front cover has eight possible permutations, and that's just a place to start.

A large contributor to the band's uniquely layered sound is "Deeler", a Digital Looping Recorder that was created by band member Brent Knopf to record impromptu material. The band uses the recorder primarily in working out new music, it is not used live or in recording sessions. So, don't think of them as a Midi band.

Menomena's on stage next at Bumbershoot over Labor Day Weekend, appearing with their 25 member 'choir' (an assembly of NW artists, musicians and close friends - give a shout out to Abra).

In the meantime, live from Juan's basement: Weird

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